




積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-8 03:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


How is Ralph today? It's really pity that he can't take 保嬰丹 coz it really works on stopping the running nose for Anson. Do you have any other method to stop his running nose? Coz once he has running nose he will have 痰. I have heard from other mothers said that take bb 晒下太陽 works as well but I think it only works on warm weather. Put on more clothes for him and I hope he will get well soon la !

Re: Visiting DB in Jan
Really good idea! Looking forward to it lah :lol: !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-11 18:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!

re: rash
Anson has got some rash on his face as well, but not serious, after I put the Seba Med, his face turns soft again. Would you try?

re: 氣管炎發作
Oh! Please take care la! HH needs a very strong mami to play with her ka ! It's great that HH enjoyed the cake and the candle. :mrgreen:

re: maid
I think u better think seriously to change a new one. It would be better for u and for Tasha. We don't want to see u to be that 勞氣 !

re: flash cards
It is a very good start !

How is LamLam's progress? In fact, u are patient enough to teach LamLam. I think u will be very happy to see her growth and learning fast as time past by. Don't worry :lol: !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-11 18:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


Finally, I’ve got the cheapest quotation!!! Remember last time I said that my ex-colleague found me the printing house which quoted $1.1 per word card and $1.8 per dot card at 260p cards? I’d ordered around 600 Chinese words, 200 English words and 1 set of dot cards.
Just when I received the cards last week, my ex-colleague said that she found me another one which is much cheaper!!!! 真係好抵呀 ~~~~~ 價錢平了, 啲卡仲厚咗同大咗! 如果妳哋/有朋友/其他BK friends有興趣可隨時通知我架, 搵咗咁耐又咁抵, 都想多啲人受惠.


顏色 咭紙呎吋 咭紙厚度 字體呎吋 中/英字型 字體特效 價格(每張)
紅色 99x420mm 300P 3吋2吋1吋半 標楷體/arial photoshop浮雕 HK$0.8
黑色 99x420mm 300P 1吋半 標楷體/arial photoshop浮雕 HK$0.5


類別 數目 咭紙呎吋 咭紙厚度 呎吋 顏色 價格(每張)
數字 1-100 210x297mm 300P 3吋 紅色 HK$1.3
圓點 0-100 210x297mm 300P 約3/4吋 紅色 HK$1.3
符號 8個 210x297mm 300P 3吋 紅色 HK$1.3


咭紙呎吋 咭紙厚度 顏色 價格(每張)
210x297mm 300P 彩色 HK$1.5

1. Minimum order $640, 另加$90送貨費. Order over $1,280, 免送貨費. 離島不送/另議.
2. Sample圖片可參考以下link:


希望大家都用得著啦 !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-12 05:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


Let's sing together : [size=small]Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to Tasha...Happy Birthday to you...Yeah!

Oops!!! Sorry for the belated greetings coz I always think that it's on the next week :mrgreen: !Wow, 好勁呀, 同Tasha走三場!!! That's great to hear that she was so happy and enjoying on her birthday. Can imagine her 胃食 look is very funny !

Yeh, same feeling with your 感足! Never had that feeling if we hadn't been a mother :-P !

Re: maid
Good luck. I think it shouldn't be difficult to find another one better than this one !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-14 02:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


Yeh, I also think that this price is really the cheapest one already! I think I can never print those words on the 300p cards with the printer at my home. They are using digital priniting which quality is great. I'd seen the samples, very eye-catching and might be better than the bought ones.
My ex-colleague's negotiation skill is really excellent. But I'm a little bit worry......she told me that she said to the printing house that there will be a lot of mothers ordering this kind of cards and asked them to give the cheapest quotation. I think the printing house wanted to 薄利多銷, that's why they could offer this lowest price. My worry is if our order is not as much as they think, they might withdraw their offer . I think I will open a topic in 教育小組 to invite more parents to order so as to keep their offer !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-14 02:41 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


Oh! Poor u :cry: ! Take more rest and hope u get well soon. Andrea can't wait to play with u ah !
Please check PM!

Thanks for asking those questions. It helps me to clarify most of your queries..... :-P . I forgot to say last time, we need to provide them the wordings (in word/excel file) and those 圖卡. They just help to print them out.

1. is there any word at the back of the 中英文字卡? (easier for us to teach baby)
~ I'd asked them before whether they could print a small word at the back of the word cards for easy teaching, but they said that if doing this, that meant printing twice and the price would be doubled ! I think we better write it on the back by ourselves...... it's OK as what I'm doing now is writing daily on the new cards to be taught, spending less than a minute but save much money :mrgreen: !

2. 數學科 - any words/formular at the back?
~ Same as above

3. 百科圖卡: any 智力綱領?
~ They only print what you give. This one would be hard...I think I would 參考 三之三 but we need to write the 10 智力綱領 at the back of the cards :cry: .

4. also, do they have level A to D, etc? 'coz I found in the web it's ~1000 cards for English cards only
~ In fact those english and chinese words in the web are for reference only. For a starter, can just print those words in the web. Or else, we still need to do some homework... type those words u want to teach your bb and then save them on a file for their printing. It's not that hard, last time I typed the 800 words in an excel, starting from those words which are commonly used in daily life, not much effort. Hehe... I also printed Anson's English and Chinese name and he can now recognise his names .

Feel free to ask more questions la, at least reminding me what to tell :mrgreen: !
Ah, if your sister wants to order, please e-mail the followings to me:
1. Name
2. Telephone no.
3. Address for delivery
4. Word/Excel File for words printing (one word per row after 'Enter'.) or the file for 圖卡.
Normally it takes 7 working days. I will confirm the payment method later.



積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-14 03:06 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


Ha! I saw the little cutie on the big head photo! And a very nice skirt too. Was it taken on the birthday?

Em....how come she doesn't want to sleep at night ah? Really headache....連婆婆都攪唔掂添 ?-( !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-14 03:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!

Glad that Ralph's rashes is getting much better now.

......the plain cards ?-( ....how much left? Can u sell them to other mother? Doesn't matter la, maybe order the print ones after u finish the plain cards .


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-14 03:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


Something wanted to share with u!

Remember last time I told u that Anson would run away if I read story book with him? Yesterday, he himself took a story book (Noddy) and sit on sofa reading by himself. When I walked to him, he told me those things he saw on the book, like rainbow, car, cloud, sun, mountain, Noddy, bird and 警察 .

Tonight, he sit still on the sofa until I showed him 10 flash cards.....and asked for more after I finished . I hope he is not 三分鐘熱度啦!

Do u set up X'mas tree at home? We just set it up last night. Anson was so excited and always walked to the tree and asked us to turn on the lights for him. He is very happy to have a X'mas tree at home !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-15 03:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於


Sorry to hear that u got that sore throat! Remember to drink a lot a lot of water ah. Last time (few weeks ago) I got sore throat as well, very painful, like the throat being cut :cry: . Then I took the 自制白醋 before sleep, the sore throat was gone next morning. I don't know if it's because of that 白醋or not coz I only tried that once.

- 食用白醋
- Garlic
Soak the Garlic into the vinegar in a jar and keep refrigerated. It can be taken after a week. Just take 2 spoons of that mixed vinegar into a cup of water.
I learnt that from 肥媽 in a magazine and having Chinese Doctor comfirmed it helps to cure light flu and 發炎.

Hehe....sounds weird, but I try to make it just because it's easy to make, 好過食咁多西藥, 大家不防試下 :-P !

Hope u get well soon la!


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-15 03:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


I also think that Anson looks a bit 老積. Coz he always frowns and seems thinking something !

Hey! You don't be so 心急啦! Ralph is only 11mths old, he has been doing well to say baba, mama la. You know Anson started to say so many words in his 16/17mths. He knew how to say Daddy in his 4mths but only said mami in his 17mths :lol: !

Don't worry! Ralph will be learning fast with your teaching :mrgreen: !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-15 03:39 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


Take more rest ah.....dizzy mami !

Have u checked your PM?

Re: flash cards
My pleasure... !

Re: Anson
I don't think Anson is smart, I just think it's the normal path of his growing and I don't compare him with other bb as well. I would take him what he is now. And I'm very happy to be with him as he always surprises me and gives me sweet memories !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-15 04:01 |顯示全部帖子

Re: flash cards

Hi jessgogo

For printing word cards, you simply save the words you want to print into a word/excel file and e-mail to me, I will provide u with an account for payment. (Once you confirm you want to order, I'll PM my e-mail address and the account number). Upon receipt of payment, I'll make order for u and the cards will be delivered to u in 7 working days.

For the Chinese and English words u may refer to the web mentioned before http://armei.freewebpage.org/wordcard01.html or 參考小依言嘅web-site [url=www.palmchristy.net/baby ]www.palmchristy.net/baby [/url]

I've received many PM for the topic in '教育小組' as well, will go there and reply some of the mami later. For further info or queries, u may visit the topic in '教育小組' and left message.



積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-16 17:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


Thank you for your sharing :lol: ! You really read a lot of books of GD wor!

Appraising BB really works! You know when I just became a ft mom, I always scolded him for what he'd done wrong. But I found that he would purposely do the wrong thing in front of me again later . Then I think it over and started to change myself. I talk to him and tell him that's not correct and tell him that he is a good boy for not doing the wrong thing. His response is very positive and always tries to be a good boy by not doing wrong things :mrgreen: . Now I always call him 'good boy' after he helps me doing somethings (like tidying up the toys and place ).

Please share more of this kind of good books with us ah!



積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-16 17:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於


Re: 白醋

Hehe....glad that u are interested. I drink the 白醋 with water.....very light in taste, just a little bit sour.


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-21 00:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!

Thanks for the treat yesterday! Sure, we all enjoyed the time there, especially Anson was so excited seeing so many kids and toys around. :lol:

We are looking forward to Ralph's turn in DB !
Wow! Ralph is learning so fast. It must be very funny seeing him doing the flying kiss with his big hand ! You know, it's really a very good exercise to hold him walking around the hall yesterday :mrgreen: . I think you may try to hold only one of his hands when you let him walk. He could do it! Just try not to make him too rely on holding both hands. He may know how to walk by himself when we see him next time !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-21 00:56 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於


Re: 倒後行
Oh! Can it really stimulate different parts of brain? You know, Anson always 倒後行. We don't know who teach him doing that but he always 倒後行 but every time we saw him 倒後行, we would stop him coz afraid that he will hitting something at his back if he can't see. Maybe I should encourage him doing more (only when we are around) ! That's interesting!

Please check PM again !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-21 01:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


LamLam really grew up a lot in the last month. She is now no longer shy and likes to play so much as well. She always smiled when I talked to her. That's really good that you could take her out more often.



積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-22 15:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於


Haha.....last night when Anson was sitting on his high chair having his dinner, he suddenly did the 'bye-bye hand' (as what Ralph's doing last Sunday) and smiled. Then I asked him who did this 'bye-bye hand'? He said 'Ralph' :lol: . My hubby and I couldn't stop laughing and Anson himself was laughing too. That's really funny !


Same la! Anson is in his holiday mood as well, always goes out for party/gatherings plus my hubby is having few days off. The normal schedule is messed up !


These two days Anson may be too excited. Whenever he saw people, he would keep talking and talking, but he didn't care about other's response, just said all those things he liked, like a 開籠雀, 笑死人呀 :mrgreen: !


積分: 1107

發表於 04-12-24 17:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 終於响8月做咗全職媽媽啦!


We would love to join Ralph's birthday party. Hope to see you all then la !


Have you taught your BB the 百科圖卡bought from GC? I found that one of the cards in 花卉類 may be wrong..... the flower picture I think it should be 洋紫荊, but the name on the back is 杜鵑 ?-( ?-( ?-( . I dare not to teach again and stopped, have to check before teach again coz give wrong facts to him 就敝加火 la. Do any one of you notice that and already got the answer? ?-(

Re: names
Maybe it's my fault that I didn't tell Anson the names of you aunties and only teach him aunties/ee. It would be too vague for him which ee I'm talking about. But for the BBs, I tell him the names of BB that's why he could remember them well. Maybe I started to tell him the names of aunties/uncles, then it's easier for him to remember :mrgreen: !

Re: walking
I think not long from now, all the BBs will be running around if we have gathering again !

[size=medium]Merry X'mas!!! And Enjoy the Holiday!!!



