




積分: 6247

發表於 10-10-29 11:58 |只看該作者
佢見到我出門口又大哭 <--係一個過程 la~ better than BB woke up and often think you disappear!

you have to let your BB understand that you will leave home for work but you will return!! Separation is one of the things that BB need to learn .. even you avoid to let them experience this, doesn't mean the reality in the future can prevent that happened.

原帖由 snow228 於 10-10-29 11:40 發表
有個問題, 我每朝8時出門口, 如果個b 見到我出門口會勁哭, 如果我adjustbb 7:30am 起身, 佢見到我出門口又大哭, 係咪一個過程? 有得佢? ...


積分: 8707

認識瑞士牛牛第二回 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 陪月勳章

發表於 10-10-29 11:58 |只看該作者

教bb/小朋友係父母責任, 唔係工人責任!

如果你真係因為咁唔用你工人, 請你第一時間介紹你工人俾我囉!



積分: 4794

發表於 10-10-29 11:59 |只看該作者
玩下玩具 / 又睇下書 / 又瞓下 / 吃下小食, 你唔好今擔心啦, 最緊要工人有愛心, 今你就放心!

你要返工 ? 有係裝 cam ?

原帖由 snow228 於 10-10-29 11:53 發表
工人同bb 日對夜對一日留留長, 有咩做? 玩具都玩唔到一日


積分: 1392

發表於 10-10-29 12:02 |只看該作者
我就係驚佢唔高興先處處忍忍忍, 我而家好高EQ, 從來無罵過佢

原帖由 cathy913 於 10-10-29 11:58 發表

教bb/小朋友係父母責任, 唔係工人責任!

如果你真係因為咁唔用你工人, 請你第一時間介紹你工人俾我囉!

我想搵個似人的工人都無http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/images/smilies/default/bb6.g ...


積分: 4794

發表於 10-10-29 12:03 |只看該作者
其實你工人唔係好差, 但可以更好 ( 係照顧bb方面 ), 你對工人無要求 ..... 那會有改善呢 !

原帖由 cathy913 於 10-10-29 11:58 發表

教bb/小朋友係父母責任, 唔係工人責任!

如果你真係因為咁唔用你工人, 請你第一時間介紹你工人俾我囉!

我想搵個似人的工人都無http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/images/smilies/default/bb6.g ...


積分: 1392

發表於 10-10-29 12:04 |只看該作者
無裝cam 其實佢ok 既, 只係我太鬆, 無管佢

原帖由 grace318 於 10-10-29 11:59 發表
玩下玩具 / 又睇下書 / 又瞓下 / 吃下小食, 你唔好今擔心啦, 最緊要工人有愛心, 今你就放心!

你要返工 ? 有係裝 cam ?


積分: 4794

發表於 10-10-29 12:05 |只看該作者
其實你今忍佢, 佢會更膽大, 無大無細.

原帖由 snow228 於 10-10-29 12:02 發表
我就係驚佢唔高興先處處忍忍忍, 我而家好高EQ, 從來無罵過佢


積分: 4794

發表於 10-10-29 12:07 |只看該作者
我建議你裝cam, 你會安心好多 !

原帖由 snow228 於 10-10-29 12:04 發表
無裝cam 其實佢ok 既, 只係我太鬆, 無管佢


積分: 1392

發表於 10-10-29 12:07 |只看該作者
係, 朝早番工見唔到bb 一面, 我都好失落. (關左房門) 好7:30am叫bb 起身啦, 甘可以同bb 玩半個鐘先番工

原帖由 eshiro 於 10-10-29 11:58 發表


積分: 6247

發表於 10-10-29 12:11 |只看該作者
BB already 20 months old... If your maid is a good one, you can give her some education material (like A B C card, color / shape card, books) and let her to play with BB on a fixed time daily

if your BB like DVD, you can set 2 slots of DVD time, 20 mins for each , one in the morning and one in the afternoon

before my babies go to pre-nursery (2 years old), my schedule for the maid is :

6:15am wake up and prepare for work
6:30-7am vacuum and mop the floor, wipe the sofa / furniture, do one load of laundry, collect hanged clothing
7am - 8am make milk for BB, get change, clean BB face, feed breakfast
8am - 9am 20 mins DVD / play time
9am - 11am morning nap for BB, maid hang dry laundry, fold clothing, prepare lunch for BB, housework (e.g. bathroom cleaning, kitchen cleaning.... etc etc) ** if she finish all task, she can read
11am lunch for BB
12-1pm my 99 will come over, so lunch for maid, clean master bedroom (since BB sleeps in our room)
1pm bath BB (while my 99 is still here)
2pm - 4pm Afternoon nap for BB, maid do housework and prepare dinner ingridient
4pm/4:30pm milk for BB
5pm - 5:30pm DVD time (20 mins)
5:30pm - fruit time for BB
6pm - 7pm playtime (can assign some material for maid to read for BB for 30 mins)
7pm dinner for BB (usually i will be home to feed / monitor), maid go prepare / cook dinner

of course you need to adjust the schedule as bb gets older and if you find your BB might not sleep much.. but then I found that as long as you set a steady schedule, BB will eventually follows.. of course soemtimes it's easy to go with what BB wants to ... but what he/she wants are not always the best for them.

原帖由 snow228 於 10-10-29 11:53 發表
工人同bb 日對夜對一日留留長, 有咩做? 玩具都玩唔到一日

[ 本帖最後由 eshiro 於 10-10-29 12:17 編輯 ]


積分: 5958

發表於 10-10-29 12:15 |只看該作者
bb 幾點瞓唔係工人決
係你, 叫工人幾點同bb瞓, 幾點起身
呢d係亞媽 tone 佢, 唔可以靠工人


積分: 6247

發表於 10-10-29 12:22 |只看該作者
my first maid is kind of like your current maid... she will eventually put reading at her first priority.. and eventually, she leaves all the housework behind.. and when BB is awake.. she just let BB play next to her while she kept on reading her books / magazines..................... and once i told her to do housework, she felt that is extra and not feeling happy

So, i think without proper guideline and restriction, they will get lazy eventually.. that is human nature.

note: she didn't need to look after BB at night as BB sleeps with us.

原帖由 snow228 於 10-10-29 12:07 發表
係, 朝早番工見唔到bb 一面, 我都好失落. (關左房門) 好7:30am叫bb 起身啦, 甘可以同bb 玩半個鐘先番工


積分: 1392

發表於 10-10-29 12:57 |只看該作者
我誤會左睇書點都好過講電話, 如果我個b 都好似佢甘鐘意睇書就好啦, 星期六我係屋企時, 自已同bb 玩, 佢會蛇係房睇書. 或且我真係太鬆, 謝謝你的timetable

原帖由 eshiro 於 10-10-29 12:22 發表
my first maid is kind of like your current maid... she will eventually put reading at her first priority.. and eventually, she leaves all the housework behind.. and when BB is awake.. she just let BB ...


積分: 1392

發表於 10-10-29 12:59 |只看該作者
第一個b 第一個工人, 所以唔係好識教同處理, 自已又要番工, 每日只見到bb 幾粒鐘, 謝謝大家

原帖由 chaklongma 於 10-10-29 12:15 發表
bb 幾點瞓唔係工人決
係你, 叫工人幾點同bb瞓, 幾點起身
呢d係亞媽 tone 佢, 唔可以靠工人


積分: 1392

發表於 10-10-29 13:02 |只看該作者
晚上我想自已暗bb 訓, 如果佢死都唔肯走, 坐係度, 係咪有得佢, 當佢透明?

原帖由 eshiro 於 10-10-29 12:22 發表
my first maid is kind of like your current maid... she will eventually put reading at her first priority.. and eventually, she leaves all the housework behind.. and when BB is awake.. she just let BB ...


積分: 6247

發表於 10-10-29 13:03 |只看該作者
totally understanding... my ex-maid also 第一個工人 and taking care of my 第一個b~ And i also though "睇書" is good .. so, i told her she can rest and 睇書 when she finish the work la.... but eventually, she 睇書 more than work .......just out of control~~ when i have 2nd BB, she got busier and less time to 睇書.. she even used this reason ("no time to study!") and not to renew my contract tim lor~

原帖由 snow228 於 10-10-29 12:57 發表
我誤會左睇書點都好過講電話, 如果我個b 都好似佢甘鐘意睇書就好啦, 星期六我係屋企時, 自已同bb 玩, 佢會蛇係房睇書. 或且我真係太鬆, 謝謝你的timetable



積分: 74328

發表於 10-10-29 13:03 |只看該作者
原帖由 snow228 於 10-10-29 11:47 發表
bb 可以係dvd 學到好多野, 但係已經中左毒, 要睇睇夜睇, 我已經想行動

至於工人方面我曾經叫佢自已入房訓, 但係佢死都唔肯走坐係度




積分: 1392

發表於 10-10-29 13:10 |只看該作者
因為佢既動機係善意既, 可能佢覺得呢個係佢責任.........甘好啦, 我強硬d.

原帖由 方方媽媽 於 10-10-29 13:03 發表



積分: 1392

發表於 10-10-29 13:13 |只看該作者
佢d書全部都係借, 我諗甘係broading house 有d 甘既service

原帖由 eshiro 於 10-10-29 13:03 發表
totally understanding... my ex-maid also 第一個工人 and taking care of my 第一個b~ And i also though "睇書" is good .. so, i told her she can rest and 睇書 when she finish the work la.... but eventu ...

[ 本帖最後由 snow228 於 10-10-29 13:52 編輯 ]


積分: 4794

發表於 10-10-29 14:26 |只看該作者
我以前請第一個工人, 我都係今想, 做好野你可以坐下同睇書. 但結果就係未做好都叫做好. 只係想唔做.

之後再請工人, 無呢樣野啦 ( 講電話/坐 / 睇書 ), 我放假個日, 佢地會好勤力做清潔. 未見過佢會坐係廚房到.

原帖由 eshiro 於 10-10-29 13:03 發表
totally understanding... my ex-maid also 第一個工人 and taking care of my 第一個b~ And i also though "睇書" is good .. so, i told her she can rest and 睇書 when she finish the work la.... but eventu ...


