



積分: 12167

發表於 12-10-21 17:31 |只看該作者
Last night at Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night, less than an hour before closing time, 2 Chinese ladies walked up to the ticket table demanding refund on their tickets.

Their reason for refund was: they only saw the outside exhibits, their kids had to lineup to wait for laser graffiti and telescopes, and that they did not have time go to any of the exhibits inside!

Adult tickets were $13 each, children $5, family $30, all money goes towards the running of the observatory. Everyone working last night were volunteers (students, researchers and staffs were not paid for the night). It was an honour system, no one there to check your ticket, and you are free to go in and out between all the exhibits.

The 2 ladies kicked up such a fuss that they had to get someone in charge to sort it out. The decision - There will be no refund, as the tickets are for both inside and outside and that there is still time to go inside for the other exhibits.

This is when they screamed the classic line - the Uni is discriminating against them because they are Chinese!

Guess what ladies, the true reasons are that you were rude and greedy!


