



積分: 776

發表於 12-7-7 00:50 |只看該作者
Hi, my husband and I are in Queens now..we will be moving to East Brunswick, NJ this month. I am pregnant with my first baby....I would like to meet some moms here and share experience together :)


積分: 5601

發表於 12-7-7 05:50 |只看該作者

回覆:cathycathy 的帖子

I live in harrison, NJ . About 45 mins from where u are.... We go to queens a lot.. Cuz 外家喺elmhurst, ny.


積分: 776

發表於 12-7-7 06:57 |只看該作者
nice to meet you!! you are 45 mins away from E.B? We will go back to Queens a lot too since my in laws there. How do you like it in NJ?


積分: 5601

發表於 12-7-7 12:20 |只看該作者

回覆:cathycathy 的帖子

NJ is def. a good place to raise a family. Nicer neighborhood, better school district. We have been living year for yrssss, we actually like it here better than NYC. Lol. 不過哩度係無乜好野食囉。所以次次去我媽到都係主力食野!ha! 同埋NJ 啲中國超市貴過flushing.


積分: 2605

發表於 12-7-21 14:23 |只看該作者
Rebeccayu1 發表於 12-7-7 12:20
NJ is def. a good place to raise a family. Nicer neighborhood, better school district. We have been ...
Hi!am living in manhattan, i think its the worst place to raise kids... I dont wanna move to NJ because I dont want to live with my 99, she is living in NJ... am having 22wks pregnant now, our first baby
we planed to stay in the city for another a couple of year till our baby needs to go to school, by then, we will move to NJ live with 99 for better school...

its so hard to find other chinese (HK/cantonese) mom here... so nice to meet you ar!


積分: 5601

發表於 12-7-21 20:59 |只看該作者

回覆:Nicolemomo 的帖子

Lol. Why don't u guys rent an apt here in nj or even buy a house? So no need to live with 99. My 6299 live 10 mins away from us. So annoying lor! We need to "hang out" with them every Sunday!!!


積分: 2605

發表於 12-7-22 04:55 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 Nicolemomo 於 12-7-22 04:59 編輯
Rebeccayu1 發表於 12-7-21 20:59
Lol. Why don't u guys rent an apt here in nj or even buy a house? So no need to live with 99. My 629 ...

We bought the house in NJ, so my 99 lives there, in NYC just rental, because close to work. if we are going to buy one more in NJ, my 99 already suggested to buy a bigger one to live together... so i rather to live in a small apt in the city for now..
Yeah, we have to go to NJ every weekend to see my 99 too.. its ok to see her once a week/2weeks, but not ok to live together lor....
but i know in the future, its better for kids, I have to accept to live with her..


積分: 5601

發表於 12-7-22 18:22 |只看該作者

回覆:Nicolemomo 的帖子

Hahaha.....enjoy the freedom when you still can!! Many solutions la, but worry about that later..l.


積分: 776

發表於 12-7-23 21:39 |只看該作者

回覆:Any moms live in NJ/NY?

My 99 always complains that we are toooo far! She lives in long island. She wants us to change jobs to be closer to her. She also said no one will visit or take care of my BB. Even tho she is far we still have to eat dinner with her once a week. If not she will be angry!!


積分: 5601

發表於 12-7-23 22:45 |只看該作者
回覆 cathycathy 的帖子

no kidding! change jobs? she knows how bad the market is right now? lol.
wa, once a week, from NJ to Long Island. that is far!! once in 2 wks is more reasaonable. my parents live in Elmhurst, so we visit them every other wk or sometimes once a month.... but 99 there, we must show up every sunday since we live in the same town. sigh.


積分: 2605

發表於 12-7-24 02:22 |只看該作者
cathycathy 發表於 12-7-23 21:39
My 99 always complains that we are toooo far! She lives in long island. She wants us to change jobs ...
what?! change jobs?its she old enough to be that stupid?
most people move for their job, as long as you guys have a good job, this all you care, not to give up a good job to move closer to her..


積分: 3041

發表於 12-8-2 09:49 |只看該作者
Hi, Moms~ Nice to meet you all~ I used to live with my brother in Union City,NJ.
Now moved to Brooklyn with my boyfriend, and is expecting my first baby on 8/3(This Friday)
The first place I settled down in US was in Staten Island, my mom bought a house there and I've been living there for more than 14 yrs. I personally think NJ and thr rural NY are better living environment for family with young children. Kids need places to run around, and you want them to go to school at a better neighborhood, not like the ghetto neighborhood I'm staying at right now.
I moved to Brooklyn just to get closer to my bf's mom, and also to save commute time to work. I work at Upper East side.
Honestly, for me i'll prefer to live in NJ/Queens/S.I. But my bf and I are not wealthy people, can't afford to move to the city, and we don't drive, so I guess we have to stay at the place we live for a while.

Does anyone of u know any good daycare/homecare center for 3 months old?
I'll have to return to work in Nov, and I have to find someone I can trust to take care of my baby. Any good recommendation?


積分: 1563

發表於 12-8-10 01:09 |只看該作者
我遲啲都會去long island,請問NJ學區、食、住等指數高嗎?


積分: 5601

發表於 12-8-10 02:11 |只看該作者
回覆 babytigger 的帖子



積分: 1563

發表於 12-8-10 02:17 |只看該作者


積分: 5601

發表於 12-8-10 02:37 |只看該作者
回覆 babytigger 的帖子

New Jersey 話大唔大,話細唔細。睇你住邊區。我住New Jersey 北部距離NYC半個小時車程。哩到租 apartment,一房大約 US$1100/month,兩,三房 US$1300-1500/month 到。包水。電,煤唔包


積分: 1563

發表於 12-8-11 02:05 |只看該作者
甘NJ個邊啲租真係平過long island個邊好多wor,係咪小朋友係邊區住就係邊區讀書架,唔洗好似香港咁煩架?


積分: 5601

發表於 12-8-11 04:35 |只看該作者

回覆:babytigger 的帖子



積分: 2605

發表於 12-8-30 12:59 |只看該作者
Rebeccayu1 發表於 12-8-10 02:37
回覆 babytigger 的帖子

New Jersey 話大唔大,話細唔細。睇你住邊區。我住New Jersey 北部距離NYC半個小 ...
Hi Rebeccayu1,
請問你知唔知 NJ/NY有無月子餐外送服務呀?我只知西岸 CA有幾間,但係問好多人都無人知東岸有無。。。重有兩個幾月我就生得,99唔係中國人,唔識煮坐月餐比我食。。。
pls help


積分: 5601

發表於 12-8-30 20:52 |只看該作者
回覆 Nicolemomo 的帖子

外送服務就未聽過,但係月子中心就有好多。全部都喺NYC,NJ無。但係口碑都麻麻,so far 無聽過一間係好嘅。usd三千幾一個月,其實就係一間公寓或者屋仔,入面間開幾間房。一人一間。一日煮五餐你食。有張床仔比家人倍瞓。地方細,所以好嘈。全部都係國語人開嘅。不過就係好過無人幫你坐月。你去 google,search "月子中心 Flushing NY" ,大把。你打電話去問下,睇下佢地做唔做外送?


