




積分: 135

發表於 11-11-28 12:39 |只看該作者
Hello! cutecutetown,

我想請教你一下關於抽卵的問題, 我正在決擇幾時開始做IVF, 如果今個月開始做IVF, 就好大機會由另外一個醫生抽卵. 如果是下個月開始做, 就較大機會可以由原來的醫生跟進整個IVF 過程. 請問抽卵技術上不同醫生有幾大程度上的差別? 與其他TASKS 例如:開藥比較, 抽卵在整個過程中是較為次要, 還是很重要呢? 先謝謝你!


積分: 859

發表於 11-11-28 12:49 |只看該作者

回覆:ivf Q & A

Hi, I did IVF last month but fail, and dr suggest me to take DHEA, is this really help? Any side effect? I did blood test last Thursday for pregnant, but negative, so I stop the medicine since Friday. Up to today Monday, it's been 4 days already, but m is not come yet, is this normal? Thanks


積分: 653

發表於 11-11-28 19:44 |只看該作者
Hi cutecutetown,
I just failed my 3rd time 放胎. As I told u before on day 10, my hcg is 19.7 and dr said the chance is big but finally it failed. Dr said may be coz of my cough. I already 瞓床 3 weeks. My fist 放胎 is so easy to success. Why my 2nd BB is so hard? Is it coz of 雪胎? I still have 4 雪胎. When should I do the 4th time 放胎?


積分: 653

發表於 11-11-28 22:08 |只看該作者
One more thing, I don't have any problem of my body. I am so healthy. Why still difficult to success?



積分: 9231

發表於 11-11-28 22:46 |只看該作者
回覆 孫師奶 的帖子

Hello 孫師奶,

Very interesting question on doctor's egg retrieval skill! Generally, ivf specialists are skillful enough to retrieve eggs from most of the follicles. You may probably worry about the time and pain of the procedure, is that right? If you will be under general anaesthesia, you won't feel much pain during the procedure. When you receive intravenous sedation only, some women can feel the pain but tolerable. An egg retrieval procedure usually takes about 15-45 minutes, depending on the number of follicles you have and the "speed" of your doctor.

In an egg retrieval procedure, a needle is pricking on the ovary to aspirate (suck out) the fluid within each and every growing follicle. The egg is suspended in this fluid. From the lab standpoint, the fastest doctor may not be the best, because we in the lab may not be quick enough to examine all the fluid within too short a time. However, some doctors can be really slow, which again hampers our workflow. Fortunately, most doctors are well-coordinated with the lab to keep your eggs in the best condition as much as possible.

So, it gets down to whether you are comfortable with having different doctors taking care of your ivf journey. My personal opinion only, if this is your 1st time ivf, you may be anxious with every step; therefore, you may be better off just seeing the same doctor all the way through the journey. But if you have already had some ivf experience, you may be "happier" to see a new face.



積分: 9231

發表於 11-11-28 22:55 |只看該作者
回覆 BK_CON 的帖子


Did you have very few eggs in your last IVF? I have very limited knowledge in DHEA, but many (ivf) doctors tend to suggest DHEA when nothing seems to work.

It is common/normal after an ivf cycle. Usually, m will come within a week or two. Just wait a few more days and see. Take care.



積分: 9231

發表於 11-11-28 23:35 |只看該作者
回覆 kameil 的帖子

Dear kameil,

I can feel the frustration in your recent FET cycles. In most "failed" cycles, it's the embryos rather than the mother who failed. Even in natural conception, it often takes a few months to achieve a pregnancy, and even natural pregnancies will lead to miscarriages. In IVF, we also have to take the chance that not all embryos will implant, and those implanted may also miscarry. I also wish modern science and technology could solve all the problems; but not until then, we are still discussing, sharing, and supporting each other here and also within our social circles.

Do not feel defeated yet. You still have 4 frozen embryos; I am sure there are jm's here who very much wish they could have those extra embryos for further chances. I have also told jm's many times that it is not unusual to see the "jewel" hides in the very last round of FET. As soon as you are physically ready (your m returns) and psychologically ready, you can plan your next FET with your doctor.

Best wishes,


積分: 653

發表於 11-11-29 00:27 |只看該作者
Hi cutecutetown,
Thanks for your prompt reply.
Will recommend me to do the next FET as soon as possible? Or u feel wait for few month will be better? Also, I was 瞓床 3 weeks for my last FET. I cannot take a leave any more. Do u think if I keep working after FET will lower the chance?


積分: 859

發表於 11-11-29 00:52 |只看該作者

回覆:cutecutetown 的帖子

Yes, I only have five eggs, and two is work. It's seem less, right?


積分: 9231

發表於 11-11-29 16:08 |只看該作者
回覆 kameil 的帖子

Dear kameil,

I don't think 瞓床 can increase success rate. I know some doctors recommend 瞓床 for those women who are pregnant already (usually a few months pregnant) and experience spotting or early signs of miscarriage. For the 2 weeks after an ET or FET, you may be better off doing your daily routine than lying down all day and letting your mind to come onto negative thinkings. Often times it is the embryo not strong enough to implant, regardless you lay still or not.

Take a short break (from FET) if you want, but I am sure there is no problem even if you keep working after FET.


積分: 9231

發表於 11-11-29 16:15 |只看該作者
回覆 BK_CON 的帖子

Dear BK_CON,

I only know DHEA is a supplement. So, very much like taking vitamin C, if you decide to take it, you can easily forget to take it without much consequence or withdraw any time should you feel sick or not-quite-right. Just remember not to over-dose or take too many courses without consulting your doctor.



積分: 859

發表於 11-11-29 22:10 |只看該作者

回覆:cutecutetown 的帖子

Ok, thanks for your advice.


積分: 135

發表於 11-12-7 13:02 |只看該作者
回覆 BK_CON 的帖子

Hi cutecutetown,

多謝你上星期回覆有關抽卵的問題, 另外, 有一些很緊急的請問題想請教你. 以你在LAB的經驗,

1.當卵子的SIZE最細有幾大(?mm), 才會視為成熟的卵子?
2. 當卵子的SIZE最大有幾大(?mm), 才會視為太老的卵子?
3. 能否分裂成功的卵子與卵泡的size是否有密切的關係?
4. 以你的經驗, 最後能成功分裂而可用作ivf的卵子佔成熟的卵泡的百份比是多少?
5. 請問一般而言, grade 3 的會放回子宮做ivf嗎? 抽卵為day1的話, 應該day幾放回子宮, 那時應該有多少個cells?



積分: 9231

發表於 11-12-8 22:49 |只看該作者
回覆 孫師奶 的帖子

Dear 孫師奶,

1. Generally 18mm or above.
2. We rarely talk about a maximum; but when a follicle is 24mm or above, the egg inside is often atretic or degenerative.
3. Some relationship. When an egg is immature, it won't get fertilized. The egg won't divide, it is the zygote (the union of an egg and a sperm) that will divide.
4. Suppose you have 10 mature eggs from the follicles. ~70% of them will be fertilized, i.e. 7 eggs will become zygotes; then ~90% of them will divide, i.e. ~6 now will divide to give embryos. Now, the critical point is whether these 6 embryos will all give good embryos. Depending on different patient background, about half of these 6 embryos, i.e. 3 of them, will "look" good on day-3.
5. Generally, grade 3 embryo(s) will not be of the first choice to transfer. The day of egg retrieval is usually called day 0, then embryos can be transfered to the uterus on day2, day3, or day5. For day2, we like embryos to be at 4-cell stage; for day3, we like them to be 8-cell; for day5, we want them to be blastocysts. Many patients worry about the embryo being too slow or too fast. Because the lab may look at embryos at different time points, I would say for day-2, embryos of 2-cell to 6-cell are ok; for day-3, embryos of 6-cell to 10-cell are ok. Day-5 is more tricky and I won't go into the details unless you are receiving day-5 ET.



積分: 1844

發表於 11-12-12 13:26 |只看該作者

Haloooooo, it's me again! today is day 5 after embryo transfer (6/12 took out the eggs;8/12 ET) before I told u that Dr So said to put only 1embryo, but at the end they put 2embryo...I'm like. exciting about maybe im having twins n worry about if my body is tough enough to hv twins...
As I'm not always cooking for me n my husband, we always order delivery for food :p.....maybe will cook 2-3 times/week. Do u think I should start drink those mama milk powder?or others supplements??
And also, I want to ask if I can eat shrimps n drink the" black sugar Ginger tea" at the moment??

For the baby implantation, is it better always keep my tummy warm to let it easier to implant!?anything else can help implantation?? I still feel a tiny tiny pain after 6/12 surgery, how long it takes for them to heal??

Thank you for ur time!!


積分: 9231

發表於 11-12-13 00:25 |只看該作者
回覆 Renault 的帖子

Dear Renault,

Good to hear from you with a happy and positive attitude. I don't have a recommended-food list nor a food-to-avoid list; I think it is more important to keep all nutrients well-balanced rather than over-eating or totally avoiding certain food. I don't think you will need mama milk powder so soon; and if you take supplements, at this stage they are more for your own immune health rather than implantation.

Shrimps, yes, it is a good protein source; watch out for how you cook them though. Don't always deep-fry and go for steam/grill/pan-fry if you have a choice. I see no harm in "black sugar ginger tea", although watch out for the sugar content. I almost sound like restricting your calories and put you on diet; however, the point is to stay on the healthy side, low fat/low salt/low sugar. I know some private doctors ask their patients to eat more proteins; I would add an extra word saying "lean" proteins. Shrimps (if you have no cholesterol problem with seafood), fish, chicken without skin, eggs, soy beans are all good choices. Fruits and veggies are good too. Moderation is the key word; and in most cases you will be conscious of the right time to start or stop eating something.

The tiny pain is probably from the surgery, during which a needle was used to prick on your ovaries and to retrieve the eggs. Healing time varies, generally ranging from a few days to perhaps a week; in any case, if you are not bleeding or do not experience any unusual bloating of your tummy, there should be nothing to worry about except waiting it out for the wounds to heal.

I can see that after all the injections and mindfulness you went through before the egg retrieval would make you feel as if you are not doing enough right now after the embryo transfer. In reality, since the embryo(s) were already put into the womb, all you need is to take your medication as prescribed and on time. Because there is truly no long list of things-to-do except taking your medicine, simply keep yourself happy and maintain your positive energy!

Best wishes,


積分: 1844

發表於 11-12-14 17:37 |只看該作者
Thank you very much! I'm gona chill n wait for my Christmas present!...hopefully!


積分: 10633

發表於 11-12-27 16:03 |只看該作者
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積分: 1752

發表於 11-12-27 18:53 |只看該作者
Hi Cutecutetown,

您好, 首先要感謝您無私的關愛和幫助, 令我感覺在IVF路上充滿愛和希望, 不致孤單無助!以下希望不會浪費你太多時間來了解我的故事。
我今年37歲, 於5月開始了我的不育治療, 資料如下:
5月- Natural IUI (Failed)
6月- Natural IUI (Failed)
7月- Blood Test – Day3 FSH 5.59 / L.H. 3.4 / Estradiol 48
7月- IUI with Puregon 5dx100 + 3dx125 (Failed)
8月- IUI with Puregon 5dx100 + 3dx125 (Failed)

9月- 1st IVF with Puregon 4dx225 + 5dx300
21/9 E2=14348,
22/9上BK問你一個儍問題: 我們明天要IVF取卵了,但先生今天做了拔牙手術(打了麻醉藥),但沒有吃任何抗生素或止痛藥物,對明天交精子sample有影響嗎,我們是會做IVF+ICSI,是否該停止明日的取卵手術?
23/9 -OPU 24 oocytes collected, 18 oocytes(MII) did ICSI, 9 cleavage @D3,
26/9 ET 2x8C G2+ (Failed)
5 embryos left & frozen: 1x8C G2+, 1x6C G2, 1x15C G2, 1x6C G2-, 1x7C G2-, 2 discarded (poor quality)
11月- Natural Cycle FET: 1x8C G2+, 1x6C G2 (Failed)
The rest of those 3 embryos not survive after thawed

12月- 2nd IVF with Puregon 2dx300 + 7dx225,
21/12 E2=22852,
23/12 -OPU 40 oocytes collected, 34 oocytes(MII) did ICSI, 26 fertilized & cleavage @D2, only 11 embryos left @D3 as follow: 3x7-8C G2+, 4x6-8C G2, 4x6-11C G2- (All frozen and NO ET due to high risk of OHSS)

我的體重(BMI), 子宮及輸卵管都正常, 醫生亦話我無PCOS; 我知道PCOS的病人徵狀都係會生產好多卵子, 但卵子質素麻麻, 我好似有D似, 好擔心, 想問:
1. 正常以我的年齡, 卵巢為何生產這麼多卵子?
2. 以我的年齡/卵子質素來看, 是否比較差? 難以成孕的其中原因?
3. 上次11月- 1st IVF-FET那些G2-的胚胎在溶雪後不能生存, 我看見像炒蛋一樣樣, 是否G2-的胚胎比較少見成功例子?
4. 醫生話我經期算準, 如想的話, 下月(1月)可做FET, 你認為我該再等多一個月還是下月做? (雖然我當然想早D)
5. 徦設下次FET失敗的話……其實我不該現在太早這樣想, 但我只是想自己可有多一手預備, 你會否建議我下次New IVF Cycle改一下刺激方案, 溫和一些, 不致有太大量卵子產生, 從而希望可能會有質素好些的卵子(胚胎), 我這種想法可行嗎? 請問你有否遇見過像我的病例?

祝 聖誕&新年快樂 事事順景


積分: 9231

發表於 11-12-28 15:05 |只看該作者

回覆:Annie888 的帖子

Dear Annie888,
I really can't give advice on this issue. In any case, if your doctor puts you on aspirin, you should seek his advice to continue or stop it. Do not increase, decrease, or stop taking prescribed medicine without first notifying your doctor. It is a very delicate balance and be careful when interpreting what other jm's said.



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