



積分: 932

發表於 08-4-21 13:11 |只看該作者
打算8月带BB去加拿大2星期,安排不了夜機, 不知如何處理時差&長途機問題 . Any tips / experience for sharing please?


積分: 2122

發表於 08-4-21 23:03 |只看該作者
try to break the trip into 1 stop over. for example, stop over in tokyo etc.
when we took 小方over to hawaii, we got to stop over to tokyo for 3 hours before another 6 hours flight. it helps.
call me up if you need more advice.


積分: 932

發表於 08-4-23 14:55 |只看該作者
thank you Yuenru for your advice. But, its too bad I have already reserved a direct flight to Vancouver. That's why I am so worry how to deal with my naughty boy on the flight. See if we got a chance to discuss further on coming class.

原文章由 yuenru 於 08-4-21 11:03 PM 發表
try to break the trip into 1 stop over. for example, stop over in tokyo etc.
when we took 小方over to hawaii, we got to stop over to tokyo for 3 hours before another 6 hours flight. it helps.
ca ...


積分: 1386

發表於 08-4-23 22:01 |只看該作者

when my baby was 8 months, i brought him to sydney for 3 weeks, of course the flight is only 9 hrs, much shorter than go to vancouver, but i think by Aug, ur baby will know how to walk , i think he can take the nap as usual in the plane and for the rest of the time, u should let him walk back and forth the isle to use up his energy and let him watch cartoon coz i saw some toddler, they are willing to sit still watch cartoon and if u want more leg room and u don't mind him playing on the floor, u should reserve the bassinet seat coz that row have more leg room, so u can put a blanket on the floor and put some toys there let him play! hope it helps!


積分: 563

發表於 08-4-23 22:14 |只看該作者
if you can afford, get a seat for the baby also. We had a US trip when my older daughter was 18 months, with the extra seat for her, she can lie down and sleep plus more space for her to move around, it definitely makes all of us more comfortable during the long flight. The bassinet is very small, so if your bb is big, it might not be big enough for him to sleep. Also, those bassinet row seats, the handle between seats cannot be lifted up.

Make sure you bring lots of snacks & a few new toys to kill the time.


積分: 932

發表於 08-4-23 23:18 |只看該作者
thank you lillymom and ccue for the sharing. Its a good idea of putting the blanket on the floor and let him play on the floor if the flying condition is good. I will see if I could reserve the bassinet seats and make sure I get some new toys and snacks. Its really a big challenge for me.


