




積分: 685

發表於 06-2-8 18:35 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!

Hello friends,
it's a busy Chinese New Year. Wish u all had a great holiday

I'm attending a 3P (positive parenting program) class at 健康院, it's pretty good (it's free and only need to attend 4 lessons + 4 times follow up phone call).

I found that I've used some "wrong" concept to teach Andrea, esp can't keep the rule consistent (eg, let her do something 1 time but punish her next time, which make her confuse).

Recommend to attend


積分: 762

發表於 06-2-12 00:08 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!


Actually I also want to attend the 3P course, wonder if you have it in the Wanchai branch. Gotta ask them and re-register for Tasha since i've losted the medical log book.

Ooops... I've always been using the wong teaching that you'd mentioned. Teacher babyso, please share with us more.


積分: 685

發表於 06-2-13 20:22 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!

Today I've attended the last lesson of the 3P course, the nurse told me that every 健康院 has the 3P course for parent. You may give them a call for enquiry.

hehe, just sharing ma, don't call me teacher, I still have a lots to learn fm u all

my eye hurt again, it's 番發 from last eye injury 眼角膜損. So I had been a blind for 4 days again. Today I felt much better lah


積分: 762

發表於 06-2-25 23:12 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!


I've just called the 健康院 to reserve a sit for the 3P course, really looking forward to this. I really am having a hard time while Tasha is being naughty.

Thanks for the recommendation!

P.S. Glad to know that your eyes is better now, must take good care of it.


積分: 2908

發表於 06-2-28 22:55 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!

hi hi all,
long time no chat lah!! I'm terribly busy since our gathering, christmas, and then duncan's birthday party, and then lunar new year, and then duncan started to school...

Until today, duncan still crys a bit when i leave the classroom, but teacher told me that he stops crying very soon after i left and performs well during class.

how are u all?


積分: 685

發表於 06-3-18 14:40 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!

Hello friends,
really long time no chat lah.

The 3P course is really good for my family (haha, 又幫佢地賣廣告). Both my hubby & me found that Andrea is much 乖巧 than before and become 大個女

My hubby also attended 3 classes together with me, so we can have the same method to 改善 Andrea's bad habbit, esp not willing to share & 發脾氣.

One method I wanna share with u all :
when u (adult) get mad by the child's bad behavior, try to count 5 seconds with deep breath before u shout/punish the child, you'll find yourself will be much calm to settle down. Sometime, the child will understand and settle down, too. This method works for me & Andrea

Andrea will say "交換呀" when someone take her stuff and always said, "no thanks, excuse me, pls, thank you, sorry, etc" instead of 發脾氣


積分: 685

發表於 06-3-28 14:17 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!

how are u all ar?

These days Andrea makes me laugh a lots :

One day, when I paid after shopping, she kept walking around and almost bumped her head. I said : don't walk around or you'll bump you head.

She nodded her head and said with 後悔 (really 七情上臉) : mommy, I'm sorry...

The lady behind me really surprised and said she's a good girl.... very funny.

真係一擔沙糖一擔 c....


積分: 762

發表於 06-4-7 23:47 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!


Andrea is such a good girl, you must be very lum and happy.

Tasha is sometimes really gets on my nerves, she hardly say nigh night to me nowadays (delibrately). But the other day when she saw the vaccumn bottle mark from my back she told daddy that mommy is painful and ask me to see Dr Pang (behind me though).
My girl is really hard to tame for me! <sign>

BTY, I'll be taking the 3P course starting from 21 Apr. Hope it helps!


積分: 2908

發表於 06-5-9 11:07 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!

Hello all,
大家好嗎? 我諗大家都好忙, 好少上來呀!

我下星期返番工啦, 會踏入另一個階段, 希望整個家庭會適應到啦~~


祝你生產順利, bb健康活潑



積分: 71

發表於 06-5-10 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: 終於?8月做?全職媽媽啦!


