




積分: 1020

發表於 04-8-20 08:36 |只看該作者

歲半bb便秘, 點算?

I have try all method, fruit, juicy,'Hoi Lai Cha'...but still can't poo poo, I need to use fleet enema (three times already) I don't want to use it again. Do I need to bring her to see doctor?
Any help?
Thanks a lot. :-(


積分: 243

發表於 04-8-20 08:56 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

Ko, if you already try many menthods..can u tell me what brand name of milk powder you feed your baby ar?? When my baby was 1 years old, he changed the stage 2 milkpowder, he very difficult to make the "CC", everytime he cried and the "CC" was stuck in his "pat pat"......I was send him to hospital,,the doctor said that can do nothing. Only put the "kam-oil-stick" inside. It's not recommend to do that it is becasue baby's pat pat is too small to do things like this. It's only way to do at that moment. I did the same things like, I tried to give him vegetable, fruit, papaya, banana..juce...Finally, I deceided to change my milk powder (from S26 to Nestle)....after that, (touch wood) till now he is very happy to make cc everyday wor.

Suggest u to see the doctor first, he may give u "kam-oil-stick" also.....after that, you may think to change the milk powder, and keep give him to drink the plum juice. It should be oK.



積分: 1020

發表於 04-8-21 16:45 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

Thanks for your kind reply,
i have bring my bb to see doctor last night, he give me some syurp that help to 'poo poo', and therefore she poo poo this morning.
my bb take Nestle golxxn, previously she take NA Ha 1 & 2, it is no problem, but for Nxxxxx golden , she sometimes has such problem, now I have try cow gxte, hope it can help:)


積分: 37

發表於 04-8-21 21:13 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

You go to pharamcist to buy AB Junior for your baby, it can make Gastrointestinal more healthy


積分: 2061

發表於 04-8-23 20:54 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

我BB現7個月大, 便秘了2個月, 3-4日才一次, 有時出唔到都唯有用pump幫她, 困擾了2個月, 真係好辛苦, 坊間講得出的方法都用齊了, 都沒多改善. 由A+轉了雪印, 都差不多, 上星期看了醫生, 轉了Omneo奶粉, 說對大大有幫助, 現仍在觀察中, 等下下次大大的料才知道, 希望有改善啦..


積分: 139

發表於 04-8-23 23:11 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

My daughter is 2 years old now. She recently got 便秘 problem, also 3日才一次. My doctor suggested me to use Omneo 奶粉 but it doesn't really work. Today is the third time I use 甘油條 in two weeks' time. I don't want to use this too often as it may become a practice. I've tried every effort but the problem is that she doesn't like to drink water, even something sweet. Maybe I will try Nestle later.

May I know what is AB Junior? Thanks.


積分: 1020

發表於 04-8-24 08:56 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

Dear TamVengKit,
What is AB Junior?

Dear Kee,
What is Omneo?

Dear all,
Thanks for your reply, My bb still got cons, she only 'poo poo' after the medication! She like to drink water but still have stone like poo poo:(


積分: 139

發表於 04-8-24 09:29 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

Hi Ko,

Omneo is one of the Cowgate milk power. It is only available in Mannings. My doctor said this milk power can lessen the 便秘 problem. However, it doesn't really work in my daughter's case. You can buy a small can and try whether it works for your BB.


積分: 243

發表於 04-8-24 09:33 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

Ko, Omneo奶粉 is another brand name milk powder. My son tried it before when he has a poo poo problem but he don't drink and not like it. May be the taste not same/similiar to the one he currently have.

Not, Nestle Golden wor, just Nestle, the one to 1-3 yrs old with the real baby boy photo on the can. The nestle golden is the one with the Cantoon ar-ma? Anyway, good luck to your baby la. Actually, i tried the Nestle is becasue my friend introduce to me. Udnerstand your baby situation, it may u feel headache and worry. When my baby have one day Nestle milkpowder, he slove the problem and i have range to Nestle Co. to say thank you as i feel more relax and happy........you can call 21798333 to ask for the sample wor.....they have the nurse to solve your question.


積分: 82

發表於 04-8-24 13:52 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

我囡囡又係咁呀!求命呀!佢又係几日先一次,仲次次谷到喊呀!睇到佢咁就覺得佢好辛苦,食野有入無出,又係成日要用藥佢先去到,無哂計!佢巳經成日飲水�食生果�乳酪呀咁...都無法改善!佢由母乳轉a+3就開始便秘啦! :cry:


積分: 2061

發表於 04-8-24 20:47 |只看該作者

Re: 歲半bb便秘, 點算?

今日BB有大大啦, 暫時估計Omneo奶粉有少少幫助, 希望係啦. 質地都好少少, 雖然都係3日一次, 不過自己去唔係好辛苦, 我地已經好滿足啦.
另外, 可以試下係Watson買的(Danilax Mixture?) 中文叫丹尼通乳果糖, 可以將大大軟化, 醫生說暫時用下都ok , 當然唔係長遠計, 解決燃眉之急都好.
見到大家的情況, 好似自己一樣, 我這2個月來, 每日都係諗起她的大大, 真係攪到自己都無得去呀.....


