




積分: 13

發表於 04-7-26 09:50 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話

Hi smartlinus,

zimba is right. I pick up some information about help your baby talking:

Learning to Talk
If you call, "Where is kitty?" or "Where is the ball?" does your child look in the accustomed place, point his finger, and make an appropriate noise?
Some children can "get this act together" by the end of their first year while others may do only one of the three things. Remember, your child's own uniqueness and what you do with your child determine her rate of development. Pushing her to do something that she's not ready to do yet will only frustrate her and make her have lessnmself-confidence. Self-confidence seems to be one of the keys to a happy and productive life, so try to help your child grow in ways that build a positive self-image.

Television and Toddlers
Television is not a good babysitter. Most young children would rather be doing other things at this age. Watching television does not give your child the muscle exercise he needs. It does not give him a chance to explore or to be an active learner. And unless you're watching television with him, it's lonely.
Avoid too much television. Some parents try to have their children watch television to keep them quiet, but these children might become hooked on television. They might sit and watch for hours, even when they're older. Too much of this can keep them from playing and making friends.
Talking with real people helps toddlers learn. The television makes it hard for your little one to talk to you and hear you. This can delay the very important development of language skills.
Use television with care. Do your toddler a favor and turn off the television except for very special, occasional programs. When he does watch television, talk to your little one about what he is seeing. This talking may be the best part of the program for him.

How to Encourage Talking
Point and name body parts. Hold his hand, point, and say, "This is your nose." Then point at your nose and say, "This is mommy's nose." You can also point and count both of his ears, and say, "One ear, two ears." Ask him, "Now point and count mommy's ears."
Always do pretend play. Get one of his toy trucks. Play and pretend that he is riding in the truck with full sound effects, "rumm, rumm, rumm, we will go to the park." Or you can ask questions about the truck like, "How many tires are there?" "What is the color of the truck?" "Where is the driver of the truck?"
Encourage his listening skills. If there is a loud nose from the street outside, stop what you are doing and ask him, "Did you hear that noise? Come let us look outside." He might say, "Car" then take him out. When you turn on the dishwasher, request him to hear it, and ask, "Can you hear that swiss, swiss sound?" Explain to him what is going on inside the dishwasher with animated voice and body language with your hands.
Talk about the stories you read with him. When you read a story to him, ask him questions about the characters in the story. "What is the color of Peter's shirt?" Let him count objects or animals in the picture book. "How many cars are there?"
Respond to his body language with words. If he points to the refrigerator and you know that he is thirsty, you can say, "I can see you would like orange juice or milk?" Open the fridge and get a carton of both milk and orange juice. Then ask him, "Which one do you want to drink?"
Use words that compare things. Get a teaspoon and a tablespoon. Place both on top of the dinner table. Explain to him that the tablespoon is bigger than a teaspoon. Then get two drinking glasses of different sizes. Show both of them and point to the taller one and say, " This glass is taller than this one" pointing to the smaller one.
React positively to each new word that you hear. When you hear a new word from him, repeat it, and elaborate on the word, and its meaning. Use the word again in front of him.

Bedtime Talk
You might enjoy starting bedtime talk as part of your bedtime routine with your toddler. Bedtime is a good time to talk to your toddler without interruption in a cozy, private place.
Review the best things that have happened that day and talk about plans for tomorrow. The sound of your soft comforting voice will help your child ease into sleep. You'll probably find yourself doing much of the talking at first, but you're setting the stage for later discussions.
As your child grows, she'll want to have private discussions with you about important things. You are practicing for these conversations with your bedtime talks. Some nights you may be in a hurry and skip your talk. Don't be surprised if your child says "You forgot to talk to me about today and tomorrow.

Hope it helps. Good luck!



積分: 6259

發表於 04-7-26 18:57 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話

我細佬細個果陣, 全家都以為生左個啞巴, 因為佢到三歲都未識講野,亞爸帶佢週圍睇醫生都醫吾好, 仲成日比人笑佢啞仔, 後來吾知點解佢又識講野, 我諗佢可能係識講,不過無係我地面前講, 有一次佢忽然同我講野, 我好開心咁週圍話比人知, 呢件事我吾記得架, 係我亞媽同我講番, 我細佬而家罵人吾知幾叻, 所以, 希望在人間呀.加油.


積分: 3917

發表於 04-7-28 10:28 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話


hello, 你唔好咁擔心住先啦,而家要即極d,帶bb去睇醫生,同醫生講bb個情況同埋你的擔心,等醫生refer你bb去政府做個評估,如果bb有問題,政府會安排唔同的服務e.g.早期教育比你bb架。當然政府要等啦,如你唔介意要比d錢,可以帶你bb見言語治療。如:

香港大學言語及聽覺科學部西營盤醫院道34號五樓 2859 0579

香港痙攣協會 啟幼計劃之言語治療服務九龍橫頭磡宏興樓地下一零一至一零六號新界石圍角村第一座停車場大廈三樓二零二室 2336 6756

協康會青蔥計劃 2393 7555



積分: 409

發表於 04-7-28 13:54 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話

請問....如果bb唔識講嘢,係咪連聲音都會冇架?!係咪有自閉嘅小朋友,就一定唔識講嘢架?!好多謝各位媽咪嘅關心,我可能好快就會同老公分開,或者連個仔都會失去.......我真係好冇用,覺得好難過 :cry: 無論我點努力都做唔好,係個好失敗嘅媽咪 :cry: :cry:


積分: 46216

發表於 04-8-2 15:00 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話

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提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽


積分: 3917

發表於 04-8-10 16:49 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話



積分: 409

發表於 04-8-11 17:25 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話

多謝各位媽咪關心.bb已經返咗4日幼兒園,現在會說"oh! no","ok!","what"同"no no",但中文只能說"好".我不知道怎樣令他說多點中文??


積分: 1869

發表於 04-8-22 00:40 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話

你的bb看english太多啦,而且這些english vcd又是他最愛,故bb會偏向english多d,而日常又聽到中文wo,這對他語言發展產生混'熬',从而影响他的發音.如你想他講多d中文,現在馬上暫停all english,絕不能比他聽到一句english,他只能聽到中文(TV,vcd.....)慢慢他就會講多d中文ga啦.



積分: 38

發表於 04-8-22 10:03 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話



積分: 73553

發表於 04-8-24 00:09 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話



積分: 1869

發表於 04-8-24 23:51 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話




積分: 409

發表於 04-8-25 21:55 |只看該作者

Re: 25個月大.仲未識得講說話



