



積分: 3119


發表於 09-4-6 20:34 |只看該作者


我個BB而家6個月大, 佢由4個月大開始厭奶到而家, 每次佢只係食50ML左右就停, 要佢繼續食, 佢就會扮郁個咀, 拱橋, 或者發脾氣, 一定要"暗" 佢瞓著覺至可以繼續食, 通常瞓著左一餐可以食到180-240ML, 但要成個鐘至食完 !

所以我由佢5個月大開始, 每日只係餵佢4餐, 時間表如下:
7:15am 奶
11:30am 糊仔 + 12:00pm 補奶
5:15pm 奶
10:30pm 奶

每日佢食完5:15PM嗰餐已經係大概6:30PM, 佢會由7:00PM開始瞓, 跟住有時佢會自己10:00-11:00PM左右醒, 有時我要11:00PM叫醒佢, 食埋最後一餐, 我都好想培養佢早D瞓, 你覺得我應該點做好呢?


積分: 79

發表於 09-4-20 23:57 |只看該作者


BB 6 months old now and we 開始了戒夜奶大約1 week,每晚11-12pm叫醒BB飲奶,每次半夜4-5am就cry,頭幾曰比40-60ml水佢飲,大大前日只抱就睡了,好開心! 但大前晚就點都唔肯...我4am 抱到5am, 連工人都話比水啦!!! so I did 60ml... 跟住BB就睡了...前晚抱BB from 430am till 6am 但一放低就cry so gave milk at 6am (as I thought 6am is morning already), 到昨天,工人竟然比milk BB 140ml @ 4am!

我今朝發覺後= ... wasted my effort for more than 1 week! sleepless nights!!!

我冇信心了...連老公都話比BB 食奶啦!!! 唉...

應該點戒呀??? 我的方法有冇錯??? Please HELP.... Thanks!


積分: 1

發表於 09-4-22 14:04 |只看該作者

Bed time routine

My son is 10 month old. We tried this method since one month ago but not successful because he has a fever before.

He scare his crib now because we applied this method wrongly and let him cried along for over half an hour.

We face the problems:

1. his crib is putting in our bedroom
2. he scare his bed and does not want to close to it
3. he has experience to sleep in our bed.
4. I have experience to pick him up from his crib to our bed when he wake up in the midnight and cry. And then he requests like this later.
5. Day time, my mother & my maid take care him. They use different method to let him sleep. such as, carry him, play with him on our bed and let him feel tired and fell asleep, etc.
They will not let him cry.

Please advise how can we re-start this method again properly?


積分: 21341

畀面勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 09-4-26 08:00 |只看該作者

[ 本帖最後由 紅紅 於 09-8-12 00:01 編輯 ]


積分: 8223

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 09-5-17 13:30 |只看該作者
hi nillie,

do you have any suggestions for daytime nap? my baby is 12.5 months old and she sleeps from around 8:30pm to 6:30am.

on the weekdays she stays at a house daycare (right now she's the only child in that daycare) and she'd take 2 naps, usually 30mins for the first one and 1.5 hours for the second one.

the problem is on the weekend when she's at home, she's too playful and doesn't nap at all. we tried putting her in our bed and she'd keep crawing in bed even after we call asleep. we also tried putting her in her own crib but she'd keep crying until she throws up.

according to her babysitter, my baby has no problem napping at her place, she just put her in bed and walk out of the room and baby will fall asleep on her own.

please give me some suggestions..... thank you!!


積分: 7794

發表於 09-5-17 21:29 |只看該作者
hee hee... babytomato,
because your lil one knows that she is not in day care at weekend.

you can bring her out, spend an morning outdoor, on the way back in your car, sure she will nap well.
Do not need to set 2 day naps if she doesn't want it. 1 nap will be ok.

before nap time, no play time, better give her a bottle, smooth her in a quiet, dark room.
that will help her to get into nap.

原帖由 babytomato 於 09-5-17 12:30 AM 發表
hi nillie,

do you have any suggestions for daytime nap? my baby is 12.5 months old and she sleeps from around 8:30pm to 6:30am.

on the weekdays she stays at a house daycare (right now she's the onl ...


積分: 765

發表於 09-10-8 08:34 |只看該作者
we usually go our paedi to use the nebuliser where did you buy yours b'cos I want to buy one to keep at home for my gal

原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 07-10-12 10:53 發表
Gabriel's condition gets worse again tonight, he can't believe again.. I just gave him nebuliser.. and his airway doesn't comletely open up.. with very chesty cough in all a sudden..
I ...


積分: 7794

發表於 09-10-19 23:58 |只看該作者
Dear gloglo,
we use Omron, as it is a well known Japanese brand in US for medical supply. Price is reasonable as well.

pls check below:


原帖由 gloglo 於 09-10-7 07:34 PM 發表
we usually go our paedi to use the nebuliser where did you buy yours b'cos I want to buy one to keep at home for my gal


